Moreish fried zucchini sticks. A zucchini is also known as a ‘courgette’ in both French and most English speaking countries | Stik zucchini goreng.
A crispy, fluffy fritter filled with broccoli, sweet corn and a little bit of melted cheese | Brokoli dan jagung manis goreng disajikan dengan keju meleleh.
A bowlful of hot, hearty tomato soup, cooked with the reddest plum tomatoes and topped off with a dollop of fresh cream | Sup tomat hangat disajikan dengan krim segar.
Stir-fried rice noodles, vegetables and prawns twisted and turned in a hot wok. We serve it with peanuts for sprinkling and lime for squeezing. | Kwetiau goreng dengan sayuran, udang goreng, taburan kacang dan perasan jeruk nipis
These chicken fingers are coasted with crispy breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese. Served with a helping of broccoli for extra crunchy-munchiness | Potongan dada ayam krispi diberi taburan keju parmesan dan disajikan dengan brokoli.
A tender 4oz fillet steak cut into slices served with homemade French fries. Did you know the cherry tomatoes and cucumbers that come with your steak are in fact fruits, not vegetables? | Potongan daging steak disajikan dengan kentang goreng
Plenty of finely chopped vegetables have been added to the Bolognese sauce for extra goodness and balance | Pasta saus Bolognese dengan extra sayuran.
A tender chicken breast cooked with honey, soy sauce and garlic. The dish comes with soft, fragrant rice stir-fried with peas and sweetcorn | Ayam dimasak dengan madu, saus soya dan bawang putih dan disajikan bersama nasi goreng dengan kacang polong dan jagung
Two perfectly grilled homemade mini beef burgers, served with a fresh salad on the side. Legend has it that the birthplace of the ‘Burger’ is Athens, Texas in the USA | Burger daging sapi mini disajikan dengan salad.
Interestingly there is always an even number of ears on a cob of corn. Corn is also grown on every continent in the world except Antarctica. | Jagung rebus
Potato and pumpkin mashed together for you to shape anyway you like. Did you know the largest pumpkin on record is bigger than a baby elephant? | Kentang dan labu tumbuk.
These golden homemade French fries are parboiled before frying, to make them healthier side serving. The French & The Belgians both claims to have invented the Pommes Frites. | Kentang goreng
Say this five times as fast as you can, “I would like a very berry dairy dessert!” | Es krim yoghurt berry
Our lychee frozen yoghurt is a delicious, cold and naturally sweet dessert. Lychees were first gworn in Southern China from 2000 BC and were a favorite delicacy of the Imperial Court. | Yogurt leci
A do it yourself chocolate brownie topped with classic vanilla ice cream and served with fresh fruits and sprinkles. | Brownies coklat dan es krim vanilla disajikan dengan buah-buahan segar, taburan coklat meses dan kacang almond
All prices are in thousands of rupiah and subject to 21% applicable service charge and government sales tax
Semua harga yang tertera adalah dalam ribuan rupiah dan dikenakan pajak pelayanan dan pajak pemerintah sebesar 21%